Hi, I’m Tracy from Shoot Indoors, King of Prussia.
Hi, I’m Patty from Shoot Indoors, King of Prussia.
Today, we wanted to talk a little bit about selecting a shooting range near Philadelphia, and there are multiple things to consider to find the right range for you. One of the considerations is indoor versus outdoor range. The great thing about an indoor range like ours is we’re 70 degrees year-round. No rain, no adverse weather effects. It’s super comfortable anytime you want to come in.
So, I think one of the most important considerations when choosing a shooting range is to think about safety. Are you going to be safe? Are the people around you going to be safe? We prioritize safety as a factor that’s most important to us. And many ranges will say that, but you’re going to see the proof in the actions and behaviors of the folks around you. Is there always a range safety officer with you? Are the folks around you required to do some safety orientation, pass a safety test, or watch some safety video? There are all kinds of ways that safety can be included in how the range works, and you want to make sure that you feel comfortable that you and the folks that come with you are going to be safe at the range.
There will be a Range Safety Office (RSO) with you at all times while you’re on the range, not necessarily right by your side, but on the range itself. Our range safety officers are special because we are certified in pistol and rifle instruction.
When you enter the booth, you will have a bulletproof safety partition on either side. We do have a rubber trap, and our entire range is encapsulated in concrete. So, concrete walls, a concrete ceiling, and a concrete floor provide an additional layer of safety protection for you while you’re here. We have a state-of-the-art air filtration system. It is similar to the HEPA filtration that you would find in a hospital, and it creates all kinds of great benefits.
The filtration system in this place is amazing. No gunpowder, no gum smoke, no watery eyes. It’s awesome.
Another consideration to consider is finding a range that feels comfortable for you. You want to find that one that feels right. Patty, can you expand on that a little?
Sure. You want to feel like the vibe is right for you when you walk in the door. You are going to note it the second you walk in. You get a good vibe when you walk in the door, nothing strikes you as off or off-putting, and you feel like you’re at home. Another thing to think about is the cleanliness of the range that you choose. Our range is very high on cleanliness. You’ll notice we take care of the floors; we take care of the benches, we take care of the bathrooms, as well as the storefront itself is always in pristine condition.
Another consideration when choosing a shooting range is which gun rentals they offer. We have a variety. You can check our website for a rental menu that has all the choices that we have. We’re always changing them out and getting new ones. You can also see some videos of some of the rentals that we have. Patty, do you want to give us some examples of fun rentals that you think we have?
Sure. We have a 9mm Gatling gun, which is a lot of fun. You can take your time with it or go fast. We also have a Barrett 95. I’ve shot it once. It was amazing. We also have a couple of different fun ones, like the bullpups. We have different calibers now than we had originally. We had mostly nine. Now, we have 45. We also have some 10mm and some 380.
So, those are some things for you to consider when considering which range in Philadelphia to pick to find the one that’s right for you. We welcome the chance to show you what we’re all about here at Shoot Indoors, King of Prussia.